天文学7 /7 - 7/11


Registration for this high school institute is now open through CampDocs.


这个项目针对的是11年级到12年级热爱天文学的高中生. 该项目将使用各种望远镜,其聚光能力从直径8英寸到32英寸不等. The 横梁天文台 has both imaging and spectrographic capabilities. 除了一些基本的天文学教学外,还将举办各种实践学习活动. 物理和天文学院, as well as some alumni who work in the field, will lead activities and give presentations on a variety of astronomy topics. 如果天气允许的话, 学生们将用望远镜观察阿尔弗雷德的黑暗夜空,欣赏银河系的壮丽景色. 也可能有一些夜间数据收集和成像,让学生有更多的实际数据收集的实践经验.

学费,吃饭 & 住房:
住宿学院费用:900美元. This pricing includes tuition, materials, meals, and housing. All housing and meals will take place here on Alfred University’s campus.

这个受欢迎的项目是由k8彩乐园app官网下载物理和天文学院指导和教授的, 都是各自领域公认的专家, plus by PhD-holding experts from other programs. Recent areas of expertise represented at the institute include variable stars, 小行星, 太阳活动, 量子和引力科学, 流体动力学, 太阳系外行星和行星科学.

该项目在非盟科学中心和k8彩乐园app官网下载校园的Stull天文台进行. 该设施被认为是该国最好的教学天文台之一,配备了直径8至32英寸的望远镜以及专业数码相机和光谱仪.


参加者可以在夜间和白天进行各种活动,包括广泛使用天文台的望远镜和设备. 会议将涵盖以下主题:

  • 天文学基础-天空运动,望远镜构造和使用,电子成像
  • 变星测光法-测量恒星在剧烈过程中的亮度波动
  • 小行星天体测量和光度测定。小行星位置和运动的测量, including those which pass close to the Earth
  • Astronomical Imaging of Nebulae, Clusters and Galaxies
  • 太阳活动的观测与分析
  • 成像和月球/太阳系研究
  • 月球与行星科学
  • 恒星的形成和演化
  • 银河结构
  • 相对论
  • 黑洞
  • 宇宙学
  • 光谱学

Participants must arrive between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. on Sunday for registration and will leave after lunch on Thursday. 在这一周中,他们将在白天上课,并在晚上参加计划好的校园内外娱乐活动.

进一步的信息, including a detailed program schedule and driving directions to campus, 录取后会发给所有学生吗. Note: while the weather in Alfred in July is usually very good, 我们不能保证晴朗的天空,也不会因天气状况而退款.

Dr. Joshua Thomas, AU Professor of Physics and 天文学, is the institute director. 问题 about academic content may be directed to him.

Financial aid is available for this institute. 在下面的部分中了解更多信息.

Along with the application, participants must also submit:

  • 按金(以网上申请表格缴付)
  • 一页纸的短文,告诉我们你为什么想参加(用你自己的话和签名)
  • ALSO - If you are applying for the scholarship (see above "金融援助"), this essay must be received at the time of the application submission

For further general information contact the Office of Summer 项目 at 607-871-2122. For specific information concerning class content contact Dr. 约书亚·托马斯,项目主管 607-871-2842.

主任将审阅所有填妥的申请,并决定接受哪些参加者. Acceptance/non-acceptance notification will be provided via email. 如果你需要更早的决定, please indicate this by including a note with your application form. Applications will be considered as space allows.

一旦参与者被接受,CampDocs将通过电子邮件提醒他们填写所需的文件(家长同意参加以及健康记录). Updated immunization information (including dates) is also required at that time. (If you do not have updated immunization information on hand, you may want to acquire this from your physician now to avoid processing delays.)

当学生不在教室的时候, 他们由我们优秀的辅导员团队监督,他们经过专门培训,成为积极的榜样, 导师和朋友. 为了确保每个人都有安全, 健康和愉快的校园时光, summer students are expected to abide by the University's 暑期课程的规章制度.


  • Ice-breaker games on the first day to help everyone get acquainted
  • 非盟内文斯剧院的电影
  • Visits to a nearby lake for picnics and campfires
  • Outdoor games such as "Capture the Flag" and "Ultimate Frisbee"
  • 室内游戏,如“谁想成为百万富翁”、乒乓球、棋盘游戏、篮球等.
  • Social gatherings with refreshments and music in the "Knight Club"
  • Relaxing and socializing at a local coffee house
  • 最后一晚的告别派对

参与者住在安全的大学暑期学院宿舍(每个房间2个),必须自带枕头和毯子. 酒店将提供床上/浴室用品, 但他们也可以自带(床上用品必须适合宿舍的超长双床)。. Laundry facilities are available in each hall at no charge. Males and females are housed on separate floors. Our Counselors will be on-site in the residence halls at all times.

我们的校园食堂提供美味的,所有你可以吃的,自助餐厅式的饭菜. 我们的餐饮服务厨师在照顾有食物过敏和其他特殊要求的参与者方面做得很好.

多亏了一位匿名捐赠者的慷慨解囊, 奖学金是提供给一个被证明有经济需求的少数族裔. 应用, 申请人必须额外提交一页的论文,说明这项奖学金将如何使他们受益,并显示经济需求. PLEASE NOTE: The deposit will be refunded to the winner of the scholarship. 有关这一新流程的问题可直接向暑期项目办公室询问: 607-871-2122.

“四颗星和两个大拇指! My experience at Alfred's summer program is one not soon to be forgotten. 这是一个认识智慧的机会, 来自全国各地和我同龄的漂亮孩子,并和他们建立了很好的友谊. It was a chance to work with fun professors who, 过了几天, 你认为我们是朋友, too. It was excellent service, great staff and a lot to learn. 我向你们所有人推荐它!——Neyshmi M.兰开斯特,宾夕法尼亚州

"It was a great experience attending the institute this summer. 我有机会了解更多关于天文学的知识,并结识了不住在伦敦金融城的人. I loved having the opportunity to use the observatory's telescopes.——卡门·E.,纽约,纽约州

“我玩得很开心! I never knew 天文学 could be so interesting. I made friends that I am still keeping in touch with. I will definitely come back to 天文学 camp next year!!——詹姆斯·W.奥登,纽约州

“我很喜欢这个夏天参加这个项目. It was great to live on campus with a group of interesting people. I was amazed at how much I learned in the time I was there. 如果可以,我一定会再来的.——约翰·N.埃利科特维尔,纽约州

“我非常喜欢这个项目, and it was definitely worth coming all the way from New Zealand to attend. I found the observatory facilities were excellent. This and the terrific staff and other students made the program memorable.——本·A.基督城,新西兰

“我玩得很开心. 我不想离开!——艾米丽·W.,洛基山,康涅狄格州


"I liked the friendship and respect everyone had for everyone else.——戴夫·C.纽约东罗切斯特

“我喜欢天文台. The institute was located in a very beautiful location. 我说过我爱天文台吗?!——Sneha R.,森林山,纽约

"I really enjoyed using the telescopes as well as the various classes and lectures. I felt everything was wonderfully informative and very interesting. Everything together made for a most pleasant experience.——苏菲·G.Hinckley, OH

"I loved learning how to use an observatory as a professional astronomer would.——耶斯拉·B.,曼彻斯特,新罕布什尔州


"The program made my love for astronomy grow beyond what I had expected.——凯瑟琳·D.新罕布什尔州纳舒厄市

k8彩乐园app官网下载坐落在纽约州西部宁静的阿尔弗雷德村, where summer days are warm and nights are cool and comfortable. Surrounded by rolling hills and beautiful meadows and valleys, k8彩乐园app官网下载是一个完美的地方,度过愉快的一周,学习更多关于你最喜欢的学科,并结识其他学生分享你对天文学的热情!

校园, 距离纽约6小时车程, 2 hours from Buffalo and 1 1/4 hours from Rochester, 从各个方向乘坐汽车或公共汽车都很容易到达,位于86号州际公路以南仅5英里处. 最近的主要机场是罗切斯特国际机场(向北约65英里)。. 如果我们在您的接受通知中显示的日期之前收到您的请求,则可以提供往返该机场的交通服务,但需收取额外费用. 在此日期之后,学生必须自己安排机场豪华轿车服务.

大学可因报名人数不足或其他不可预见的情况而随时取消任何课程或活动. 如果一个节目被取消或推迟, the University will refund registration fees, but cannot be held responsible for other costs, 指控, 或费用, including cancellation/change 指控 assessed by airlines or travel agencies.

Whether considering candidates for admission or financial aid, 申请人就业或管理其政策和学校管理的项目, Alfred University does not discriminate on the basis of gender, 性取向, age, race, color, 国家或民族出身, 宗教, 或残疾. Alfred University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.